Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Importance of A Publicist

I had to make a VLOG explaining the importance of a publicist


Friday, October 8, 2010

Some Writers Think They Are Bigger Than The Artists They Cover

Some of these writers think they are rock stars....


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

...Yet Another Phase....

In that past three years, I have went through many changes musically. I remember when I was back at college in Maryland, I was going through somewhat of a depression so I tended to listen to a lot of indie emo rock bands and super backpack underground obscure hip hop acts. I was going through a phase where I was becoming more enlightened on how the world is "run" and I just wanted to listen to music that allowed me to feel more awakened to the bullshit that was going on all around us. The ironic thing now is I find myself quite less paranoid about the world around me and I had come to a place years ago where I can look at myself in the mirror and say, "Self...we know that the world is overrun by high degree masons and evil corporations hellbent on creating subjective thinking in the simple man's thought process, but it is o.k. because we know the truth." I hope that makes sense; In February 2007, I joined Last.fm, a site that "scrobbles" your music into charts and recommends you to musical artists that might be unknown to you (like Pandora). Here's the progression (with any) of my musical taste over the last three years...

February 2007
Feb07LastFM.jpg picture by dramaking510

October 2008
Oct08LAstfm.jpg picture by dramaking510

October 2009
LastFMOct09.jpg picture by dramaking510

October 2010
Oct10LastFM.jpg picture by dramaking510
