Monday, January 1, 2007


"Most of this garbage I write that these people seem to like is about you and how I let you infect my life."
-Slug (of Atmosphere)

It's been 8 days since I have posted a blog on here, and I has reminded by a dorky friend of mine that eventually my readers would grow restless without reading anything brand new from me. In the past seven days, I have had an extremely blessed week! My very small-time entity of a business did hella impressive numbers last Thursday, and my clientele list was grown tremendously over the past few weeks. Business is always a good thing; you must always stay grounded when your sales jump tremendously and hustle your ass off when things get a little rough. This leads me to today's topic....

Why do we drink and do drugs? I (for one) don't smoke or do any drugs, but then again, I do drink amongst friends. I don't necessarily know why I drink alcohol...HEY...maybe that's why. I drink because everyone else my age does so. During a young adult's collegiate time period is when most of the beer and alcohol binging begans. It's weird how I almost don't see myself as a conformist, but the irony of me drinking amongst friends for a subliminal acceptance.

Going out last night for New Year's Eve to San Francisco and seeing how we at this young age of twentysomething (the stage of life in between high school and the "real world" when you are most confused) are a lost generation. We are the most materialistic generation (with our iPods, HDTV's, etc.) and we love the idea of getting totally wasted. It's more of an acceptance to get completely intoxicated to degrading yourself to doing absolutely obnoxious antics (such as running down Embarcadero screaming at tourists). But, this is my generation. We love our booze and we love our ignorance. "Hell, I don't give a damn about what's going on in Iran; let's get wasted and play music on my brand new iPod." This quote that I just wrote reminds me of something an acquaintance of mine back on campus said when the ex-New York Yankee's leer jet crashed into a building in New York City earlier this Fall. She said, "Imagine if you were walking with your iPod on and seeing that plane crash into that building." And this leads back to my point, we are blinded by our technological gadgetry and by our legal drugs of alcohol and tobacco.

From seeing how obnoxious my friends and other people were acting under the influence of alcohol and other substances, I had the epiphany of not wanting to drink anymore. Asking myself repeatedly as I walked and they staggered down the waterfront of piers on a crisp night in San Francisco why I degrade and slowly kill myself with the demon in the bottle. "It's liquid cocaine," I told a friend earlier this afternoon. It's such a terrible and expensive habit that's making some sober man extremely rich as we kill ourselves slowly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to you. I'm still in high school and people here act the same way your friends do in college. They always talk about how they got completely wasted last weekend and how awesome it was. I always wonder why they drink to get wasted. Maybe its because they don't want to face reality and are hiding from something? I don't know about anyone else, but I have enough of a hard time keeping sane... why would I want to drink or smoke something that makes me less aware of my actions? Besides I'd like to hang on to my brain cells as long possible.
I'm on the Afropunk Forum too. My username is futrachoppa606.