"God is not religion, but is spiritual bond."It is hard for most people to question certain aspects of their faith/religion because they believe that if they question their religious practices of why they do particular things, then they will be blasphemous to their God. You can see this in various religions of people doing certain things or practices just because it is the "right thing to do." I (for one) have questioned many things in my faith of Christianity; it doesn't make me impious to question why particular practices are done within my faith. But, to most people (believers alike) to question anything about one's religion is sacrilegious.
-Immortal Technique
I am not religious; I have a relationship with God beyond what I was taught in Sunday School at the premature ages of 5 through 10. Like the quote above from the underground hip hop artist, Immortal Technique, I believe that God is not religion, but it is the relationship you have with Him that matters far more than what you were taught by a mortal such as yourself.
It is difficult for me to write this blog because I know that most of the people that are reading this right now will speculate that I am a non-believer for questioning religion, but it needed to be written. I wrote a blog a few months back about the mediums of brain control and MK Ultra through politics, capitalism, military, and religion that most people probably questioned as well. Only a fool would put their complete faith into an entity or medium, and not their God.
Think about it.
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