Now what would cause someone to kill over thirty people then wound at least twenty-one others? What was going on in this person's life where they felt the need to walk into a dormitory and school of engineering building at the college, Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia, and start firing an multitudinous number of rounds at other human beings that live, breathe, eat, sleep, cry, and smile just like the gunman does? This is when you know the end of times is near. Whomever your God maybe, you need to get closer to Him as soon as possible! We are living in truly chancy times and it is of the essence that the people of this Earth find some kind of solace within themselves and in their God. My prayers go out to the families and friends of the victims that were connected into this catastrophic and tragic event that took place this morning. I also pray that the gunman realize that he is in definite fault for what he has done to these innocent people. But, I am not one to judge; I am merely a bystander of this event from a desolate area hearing only of this news via Internet. I pray that all in this incident of the dead and of the wounded can have the strength to endure. Peace and blessing!
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1 comment:
I was so late on this story because my connection screwed. You could totally tell this poor guy had a mental problem. The poor victims were really in the wrong place at the wrong time. From what I could understand, they tormented him immensely.
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