Sunday, October 7, 2007

National I.D.

National Identification Cards will be implemented to all of the citizens of the United States very soon. The rights to travel freely and live as freely as you think you are doing now will definitely be opposed. The ability to travel within this country and to other countries will be policed with governmental superiority. The absolute scrutiny of your life as we know it will become a way in order for them to revoke you of all your rights and police, abuse, or imprison you when and wherever they please. The latest news that never made national headlines anywhere on CBS, CNN, NBC, etc. of college students having the right to freedom of speech, but being tortured by malicious acts by the campus police should have been an eye-opener for the people of this country. The recent acts of Neo Con soldiers in this country policing rally supporters (which if last I remembered was also freedom of speech) should also have opened your eyes more as well. Seeing as Neo Con soldiers are not police, and therefore they are mercenaries whom have the right to act as they please to engage on innocent civilians as they please when and wherever.

Please, up your eyes! The structure of the world is not getting any better; the United States is in a police state! Everyone's awareness levels should be on pins and needles; do not let all propaganda of mirrors and smoke of consumer goods that you do not need block your introspection in general! Below is a petition to stop the National I.D. from being implemented. Please look over the site, and if you will feel it makes sense to you, sign the petition! Do some research people on nanotechnology and the National I.D. Don't let the talking heads throughout the media place subjective thinking upon you. Research these topics for yourself and learn the truth about what is going on around you.

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