Friday, August 19, 2011

Seeing Another Day

Just waking up. The dullness of a Los Angeles 7AM morning creeping through my blinds. Inertia wrestles with me. My eyes heavy; my thirst for water, energy, and ambition awakes. God, I'm thankful to see another beautiful day that You have made.

I wanted to get back in the habit of writing as much as possible. Even if it's just a few sentences. This is an exercise that I used to do everyday while I was in college. I'd sit at my desk in my apartment with my music playing and write whatever came to my mind. I had let my work get in the way of what I really am passionate about, my writing. I definitely need to go pick up another spiral notebook. I've always liked to write in a notebook more than type at a computer. I always wrote my best when I was at my worst. I'd like to go back to reading particular poems, manifestos, etc when I was going through a tough time and see how wild my penmanship would be. Yes...I know. I am strange. So what.

Today. I've finished all of the publicity work that I had planned for the rest of the week. On this great Friday, I will sit here on my balcony and enjoy the day. No more putting work before my own serenity and happiness. I did not realize that I had become exactly what I said I would not become in college, a workaholic. I guess you can say that this month's Mercury Retrograde has opened my eyes up to how dependent I have become of my cell phone, laptop, business, etc. In college, I used to talk about how I'd never let my work consume me, but when you know a business, you have no choice but to become a part of your work. But, somewhere down the line (especially in the last year since my business has tripled), I lost the one thing that kept me afloat for some long, my writing. But...I am back.

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