Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
A Different World
Being like 4 years old and remembering how dope it was to see black kids going to college on national TV was a great feeling; this was a great show.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Seven Pounds x Will Smith
This film by Will Smith had come at a great time in my life; I would recommend anyone to see this film. This had to be the saddest movie I have seen in a very long time, but it is still worth the viewing to anyone.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Murs on Sound Session
Murs on KUBE 93's Sound Session (Part 1 of 2) from DJ Hyphen on Vimeo.
MURS on Sound Session with DJ Hyphen
Part 2:
Murs on KUBE 93's Sound Session (Part 2 of 2) from DJ Hyphen on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
N.E.R.D. "Sooner Or Later" Video
This video was premiered today and I definitely had to put my favorite song of the year's video on the blog. Damn this song is dope!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Fat Tony x Electric Relaxation Radio Interview
Another great interview With Zea @ Electric Relaxation Radio and Houston phenom, Fat Tony
Download Fat Tony's Latest mixtape:
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Pac Div x Fa'real Fa'real
Pacific Division "For Real, For Real" LIVE @ 9:30 Club - Washington, DC from The Cool Kids on Vimeo.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Kanye West x Pinocchio Story (Freestyle Live From Singapore)
This is my favorite song on "808s & Heartbreak."
Malcom X: House Negro Vs. Field Negro
This speech was given over fifty years ago; it is still as viable back then as it is today. The Uncle Tom Syndrome is all-around us.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
...and this is the shit that you like (Part 2)
MAN! I'm proud to see someone else that isn't stuck on this Lil Wayne hype!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fat Tony x The Underground Interview
Fat Tony & Smash Bro Interview with "The Underground"
Part 2
Part 3
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Q-Tip New Vid
Q-Tip - "Renaissance Rap" from Three/21 Films on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tipping Point x Fly 68 Presents: Fat Tony!
Click below to Download:
Don't let the cover fool you; this shit is dope!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Pac Div x Dom Kennedy x Carter "Everybody Knows Us"
VIMBY - Everybody Knows Us Music Video from VIMBY on Vimeo
Dom Kennedy, Pac Div, and Carter got together with the Hundreds clothing line and Vimby to make this video. It's pretty dope to me.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
TiRon x Electric Relaxation Radio
Electric Relaxation Radio's host got together with an interview with up and coming Los Angeles emcee, TiRon getting set to drop "Handshakes & Pounds 2" in January 2009. Zea Hart always keeps the most exclusve interviews to keep you as a music head up on your shit! Listen as Zea and TiRon talk about TiRon and his music.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Open Up Your Eyes
I have subscribed to this guy on YouTube a while back; this video was definitely an eye-opener.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Subterranean Series x Diz Gibran Interview
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Wackness
I'm going to watch this movie tonight; I have been hearing some great things about this film. I hope that it lives up to the hype that it has been getting.
...And This Is The Shit That You Like?!?!
Damn this is straight up buffoonery at its worst…this country is going through the biggest and worst economic depression in the world’s known history…and people are more enthralled with rich fucks buying some young stupid broad’s virginity…
It’s only gonna get worse…
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Houston's Dopest New Emcee Drops Re-Release EP! Free Download!

TiRon x FlyBoy Radio Interview

Click here to here the interview:
Download "Handshakes & Pounds":

Monday, November 3, 2008
Black Milk at CMJ
Freeway "Change"
Friday, October 31, 2008
CDR Freestyle-Diz Gibran
Diz Gibran on CDR with a fresh freestyle....
Be looking out for "Subterranean Series" interview with Diz
next week.
I Watched You Change...Fat Tony
After a long day of endless blog browsing and sporadic mouse clicking on anything resembling a 'play button', (blame the irresistible nature of MyFaceTube and a thing for anything less mundane than work/school) a young Houstonian like myself yearns for a place to unwind. In this city of millions, I'm sure we've all been there. Long day sorting TPS report cover sheets at the office? A barrage of orders at your drive-thru work space? Just three too many total customers crowding your register at the local
It's okay, my friends. I feel your pain.
The coffee houses grow more crowded and pretentious as the sun sets west, the nearest restaurants are too pricey and after months of regular consumption, I'm thinking "eh.. not tonight." Plus a trip to parade around the beer stained streets of Austin on a Monday night just doesn't seem practical (...this week). I seek a night of carousing, cheap drink specials, and loud music emitting from a inefficiently EQ'ed sound system. If I don't end up boogie-woogieing past empty Lone Star bottles by 1:00am, there is a problem!
After a long evening of indecisiveness, befuddled speculation, and a thousand sent text messages to various friends popping the big question, "is there ANYTHING interesting, inexpensive, and slightly enjoyable for me to do in this city?!" I tend to settle my moon-lit entertainment desires on one place: "the blub." It's definitely a bar... yet not exactly a club (though it tries it's best (A for effort?)). Think of it as a pre-teen club going through its self discovery phase.
I decide to head out to the neighborhood blub for a night of old ass Hip Hop songs and hipster'd out dance music laptop remixes, re-edits, and re-re's. Boy, the irony of breakbeats undercutting cheesy 90's pop songs sure does get me cutting a rug every time! After an hour of socializing with the bar's patrons as we all stand around looking awkward and bored, I knew I needed another drink. I was aiming for a good time, but all the cheap drinks and cute girls in the world just can't help me bring' it back to '94 and keep keepin' it real enough on a night like this. Nor do I have enough American Apparel in my closet to get down with the 3 drunk weirdos who soak up every cocaine fueled dance step.
I fantasize about a day where Hip Hop DJs fill my nights with delightful sounds of good danceable rap music that's post 1996. A day where electro, house, and other programmed dance tracks get Mash-Up-ized for the sake of good music instead of corny irony. I seek fun. I desire a room of happy, dancing folks. I wish to not end up at Chapultepec at 3 in the morning wasted over a dinner plate with memories of an uneventful night dancing in my head.
But... maybe I ask for too much.
And this is why leisure learning night courses stay in business.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Q-Tip "Move"
J Dilla produced, "Move" is on Q-Tip's new album, "The Renaissance." Make sure you go and pick this album up...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Subterranean Series: TiRon
Check out his Myspace and go vote for him on the next URB 100.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pac Div "The Mayor"
Pac Div performed "The Mayor" at the Mezzanine in San Francisco last night Friday. It was cool buildin' with these cats. Look out for the Pac Div interview soon.
Grouch "Mom & Pop Killer"
Grouch (of the Living Legends) drops a second video of his latest album, "Show You the World." I'm glad someone finally made a video about the dangers of losing your neighborhood's individuality and culture due to the closing of "Mom and Pop shops" to the conglomerate cash cows.
Hip-Hop Official Artist of the Week: Shawn Jackson
By way of LA, Shawn Jackson is Hip Hop Official's Artist of the Week this week. Check out his dope debut album, "First of All;" be sure to go get the New Jack Hustle album droppin' tomorrow.
New Jack Hustle "New Shades"
New Jack Hustle (Shawn Jackson & Newman) "New Shades"
New Jack Hustle (Shawn Jackson & Newman) drop this fresh new video, "New Shades" on their debut LP, "Souncheck" tomorrow!
FlyBoy Radio
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
CDR Presents: Pac Div Part 1 Interview
Some of the dopest cats in the hip-hop game coming out of LA are Pacific Division. Crack Distributors Radio sits down and interviews them.
Somobe Interview x Electric Relaxation Radio
U-N-I "Soul Hop"
Finally...after waiting for a hella long time to get this video, MTV2 premiered it this morning. U-N-I drops the third video off the street album, "Fried Chicken and Watermelon," here it is..."Soul Hop."
Monday, October 6, 2008
U-N-I x 6th Sense: Stakes is High

Thursday, October 2, 2008
The name is B.L.U/ and Slash the "e" on the posters"
Blu is definitely the hottest emcee to come out in hip-hop in the past year. He dropped "Below the Heavens" with Exile (producer) in 2007, "Powders&Oils" under the name, "Johnson&Jonson" with producer, Mainframe, an album with Ta'Raach under the name, "C.R.A.C Knuckles" and a more publized Johnson&Jonson LP last week. Be sure to check dude out!
Johnson&Jonson "Bout it Bout it"
Johnson&Jonson "J&J"
BET: Bamboozled Entertainment Television
I don't necessarily watch "Boondocks," but this one episode (that was never aired) explains it all:
Tim Westwood Interview with Busta!
Busta Rhymes interviewed by DJ, Tim Westwood from London hip-hop radio station, BBC Radio 1 talking about his new label, mishap at Heathrow Int'l, etc.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Peedi Crakk "Sweet Dreams (Jay-Z Diss)"
Peedi Crakk "Sweet Dreams (Jay-Z Diss)"
I think this video is dope; it's crazy how something as simple as this video which cost Peedi absolutely nothing to make could come out so well. If anyone has the mp3, send it to me.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Torae "Switch"
Torae Switch Music Video from Torae on Vimeo.
Torae "Switch"
This is the first video I have seen by the NY emcee, Torae, and I am hella impressed with this guy's wordplay. Adding Black Milk on the production also is a good look.
Electric Relaxation Radio
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Nov Ganon Interview In Convention Mag!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Throwin' My Money
We all have these things that are going on with us that we do not even tell the closest people around us. There are things that my parents do not know about me; there are things that my inner circle of friends do not know about me as well. I have struggled in this past sixteen months of being out of college (yes...out of college) emotionally, physically, and definitely financially.
Emotionally I have fought with the struggle of wondering my own self-worth. I have found myself beating myself up and falling apart to the brinks of breaking down at my loneliest points. There's nothing more disturbing and eerie than looking at the person in the mirror and not noticing who that person truly is. I have scraped, clawed, and fought my own self to figure out what it is that I truly would like to do with my life. Being out of college for this past sixteen months has been a truly hard task for me to realize since it was more of a comfort zone for me. To go from being in college, living on campus and not having a care in the world other than "Damn...did I pass that Sociology exam?" to now " the hell am I going to come up with this rent money?" was been a true struggle for me. But, I have come to grips with dealing with growing up.
Physically I have changed tremendously in the past sixteen months. Living on campus, we were subjected to eating disgusting food that was full of preservatives. As soon as you would digest it, it would be gone. So from the five years of undergraduate study living on campus, I lost a tremendous amount of body fat. I was a lot leaner on campus. I came back home in May 2007 and I remember by July 2007, I had gained ten pounds. Now, it is September of 2008, and I know that for sure I have gained 25 to 30 pounds since I have been home! My diet was been pretty fucked up since I have been home. The late-night bar binges and ten P.M. trips to the local taqueria to get a carne asada burrito definitely was starting to show. I worked out five times a week at college, and ate five meals a day. My metabolism was sky-high, but let's remember, I was on the meal plan so I didn't have to pay for groceries really. I came home broke as hell, and the majority of my diet was the dollar-menu at fast food spots. Hence, came the weight gain! I have started back in the gym and the weight is starting to come back off again. Thank God!
Financially was become the biggest hurdle for me to conquer in the past sixteen months. Last August, I had sold my whole inventory from wholesaling to move into my place with my roommates. After about two months, I realized that the whole roommate situation would not work out for me. I should have learned that in college. I was spending 300-400 dollars a month on gas from commuting a 60 mile round trip to and fro everyday. I was out of business for about 3 months without any kind of solid income and it was definitely a rough time for me. I started my wholesale business back up in November last year and the money started to become a lot more steady. Then, the rent started to get extremely hectic. I had fallen behind on paying the rent a few times before I decided to move out of the house with the roommates and moved into my own place (where I am living at now) last year. I have been here almost two months now; finances are still getting my ass, but it is a lot easier minus the $400 monthly gas bill!
With all of this written, I have come to realize that my finances have been the hardest thing for me to juggle this past sixteen months of independence. I have been living "the rock star life." Partying 3 times a week, buying clothes and shoes very frequently, and traveling have all been a part of this "rock star life." I have been going through my second childhood with buying all these clothes and shoes as of late. I enjoy looking and dressing well, but I need to find a balance between want and necessity. I am now twenty-four (as of last Monday the 22nd), and it is time to take my mutual funds and invest more for a expotential gain of funds. I plan to retire by fourty-five (YES...45 years of age!).
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Heltah Skeltah "Ruck n' Roll"
Ruck and Rock drop you with some more heat; Rik Cordero directs this video. I can't wait for the album to drop!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Her Space Holiday
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Somobe Leaks New Single!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Peanut Butter Wolf/J Rocc Show in SF TONIGHT!

J Rocc being an extremely great DJ that helped found the world-famous DJ crew, the Beat Junkies is sure to keep your headed nodding to his impeccable mixing and scratching skills. Remember...don't sweat the technique!
For a great time tonight, September 12th, 2008 in San Francisco, California, come check out Peanut Butter Wolf and J Rocc at Mighty.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Verz Media

The services with digital imaging are not where the professionalism of Verz Media stops; photography in the high-resolution format is also available. The pricing of the many services (flyers, posters, marketing & image consulting, photography) are at an extremely reasonable rate, and can not be matched by any other image consulting firm. When looking to have your business venture's image perfected at the zenith of its highest possible potential, contact the professional contractors of Verz Media for all of your image consulting, photography, advertising, and marketing needs.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Big Pooh "Plastic Cups"
Big Pooh (of Little Brother) feat. Chaundon and Joe Scudda "Plastic Cups"
This song will be on Big Pooh's solo project, "Rapper's Delight." Little Brother is proving more and more that they can still make great music even without 9th Wonder.
Monday, September 8, 2008
VMA's 2008
WaMu CEO Fired: Possible Signs of Bank Closure
Washington Mutual has lost nearly 70 percent of its market value due to the mortgage delinquencies and defaults in this year! Looks like another bank is doomed to go bankrupt; it is definitely time to close my account with them and get another bank. Hell, in these days and times, keeping your money in a safe or under your mattress does not sound so ridiculous with the plummeting market and economy left in the can. I would suggest to any of you that have any accounts with WaMu that you close your accounts with them as soon as possible before their bank closes as many did this year. Remember this, the FDIC can only insure up to $100,000 of your assets that is in a bank account if your personal bank defaults.
Read more on the headlines of CEO Killinger being fired:
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Nov Ganon Featured on MF Doom New Mixtape!
I have always had an extreme longing to go to the UK; I really do not know why, but ever since I can remember going to the UK has been something that I have always wanted to do. Out of the city of Leeds, England comes the band that I was introduced to two years ago, ¡Forward, Russia! After seeing their video for the song, "Nineteen," I initially knew that ¡Forward, Russia! would be a band that I would listen to for some time. With their current album, "Life Processes," there are an eclectic arrangement of songs displaying the true talent that this UK band possesses. It would be a great idea to check this band out; I want one of those exclamation point t-shirts!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Fat Girl by U-N-I
U-N-I "Fat Girl"
U-N-I with an installment from their debut street album, "Fried Chicken and Watermelon." No disrespect to the big girls...they need love to. Check out their album when you get a chance, and add them as a friend on Myspace! Watch out for "Love Supreme;" that album is fire! If you like Pacific Division, Dom Kennedy,'ll love these cats!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I don't even skate, but this new DC Shoes Commercial is tight as hell.
Damn...I think this was like '91...I was in first grade when this came out...
Bo knows everything!
The Jordan XII commercial from '98..."Frozen Moment"...timeless...
Spike Lee and Mike...Jordan V....
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008

Segue is an independently-owned promotional company out based in San Francisco, California that is breaking heavy ground in the Bay Area region. From hosting "Mixtape Wednesdays" at the Skylark Bar on Valencia every Wednesday in San Francisco to even promoting an extremely eventful evening at Club Six on 6th St with hip-hop's best producer (period!), DJ Premier of Gangstarr, Segue has proven that their worth is much more than promoting typical club events at your local dive bar. When preparing come to a Segue-promoted event, only expect an euphoric atmosphere leaving your mind, body, and senses in complete and utter awe at some of the coolest and chic clubs, lounges, bars, and venues in the city where Frank Sinatra "left his heart in," San Francisco.
Black Hair: Perm Vs. Natural
I ran into this video on YouTube about the pros of black women wearing their hair natural versus perming it straight to the conformist look. It's a truly interesting topic to have this conversation with black women about natural hair because the truth of the matter is that most black women have been brainwashed into believing that wearing a perm is a great thing aka "the norm." And when something is the norm, rather than be natural and be completely abstract, people tend to stay in the sheep mode that they live in and follow the rest. This was some real shit; thanks for the lesson.
Green Light by John Legend/ Andre 3000
"Green Light" by John Legend Featuring Andre 3000
I just found this video a few minutes ago; this song is just in time to end the summer of right. Add this to your iPod for that weekend playlist. Andre 3 stacks and John L....SMOOOOTHHHHH!
Download "Green Light":
LA Resurrection
"Watermelon Sundae" by Dom Kennedy"
Thursday, August 21, 2008
TiRon on Vimby
TiRon hailing from Lost Angeles showing how he lives; peace to Like and Mibbs of Pac Div in this vid. What's up Ayomari?
7 Daize

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Artists With Few Plays (15-20 Plays)
15 Plays
I was a little surprised that this band was so low on the charts. They had a hella good LP.
This LA band was a big hit for me back in '05, but seemed to never get many plays.
I'm not surprised by this cat being low on the charts; I don't really like his shit much. Quannum Records has good artists (such as Blackalicious, Pigeon John, and Honeycut), but LB hailing from Berkeley, California just doesn't do it for me.
16 Plays
A friend of mine from "I left My iPod in El Segundo" gave me this cat's LP back in January, and I really liked what I had heard. I gotta dust off this guy's LP and give it hella more rotation than this! Crazy!
San Diego big-time band, P.O.D. was a big hit for me in my earlier days of getting into rock back in high school; I guess they didn't have the influence to make it higher in the charts.
17 Plays
DAMN! I must really be slippin! I work for Hiero and the group that brought the Hieroglyphics to the forefront isn't gettin' any serious rotation from me!
"They say I'm a penny with a hole in it." I guess the "Hopeless" smash hit from the "Love Jones" soundtrack didn't give Dionne enough strength to be higher in my plays.
The electronic group from Toronto that is sort of a big deal to the rest of my friends really must not be sort of a big deal to me with 17 measly plays. They definitely need some heavier rotation than what I have given them.
18 Plays
Even with hits like "Float On", Modest Mouse didn't have the balls to make it higher on the charts. Nah...(jokin)....I need to give their music more of a chance. I got so much music on this damn computer, it's hard to sort through everyone.
"January 1979" was a song that got me into this band while I was in college in Maryland. I remember playing their LP at the time (2005) a lot, so I am truly surprised that these cats are so low on the play charts.
Now, this is a shocker...all through my time of hip-hop, D-Block has been one of my favorite groups. Styles P. is atop of the list of my favorite emcees and it is a trip that these Yonkers natives didn't make it past 20 plays?!
Another band from college that I was really into at
the time, and that guess didn't have the spark to
make it higher in the plays.
20 Plays
With the smoky voice, this woman that passed away at the young age of only 27 years old had the talent to soar beyond. She will definitely get a lot more playtime!
"Mad World" by this cat and Gary Jules is my favorite song of all-time. It defines me as a person completely more than any other song I have ever heard.