"Take down these photographs, yellowed by years."
-"Carpenters," Mata Hari
I always seem to begin my blogs (or writings in general) with a lyric from a song that seemed to cross my mind at the time of the writing's conception. Topic, topic, TOPIC! Hmm...what shall I write about today? I have no idea what I am going to write about today, so let's call this blog a "freestyle." Whatever comes to my mind is exactly what I will be writing about today.
I would like to confess that I have been anything but an ideal young man that is in the college setting. I haven't been to one class within the past week and a half.
I can be parasitic at times. I have a truly bad temper. I take out all of my frustrations on the people that care about me the most. Through me taking out all of my stress and frustrations out on the closest people to me, they eventually get tired of my shit and leave me alone.
I cut people out of my life because I think I am doing the right thing. I just recently realized that not everyone is out to get me.
I think I have some of the symptoms of being manic depressive, but not completely. I don't know what that would fall under...maybe borderline, I guess. I guess, I would more or less be somewhat bipolar; yes, I do have sudden urges of anger then sadness.
I believe that I will never find anyone that will understand me completely and now I am content with knowing that. It used to bother me to the point of insanity and detachment; it doesn't so much anymore. I am thankful that I can't be read like a Dr. Seuss book.
I would rather be alone than be surrounded by people. I am a loner; I am a recluse. I don't feel the need to be around friends most of the time; I rather enjoy being alone the majority of the time.
My little brother, Jalen (a sibling of mine from the mother's current marriage) has been through more stress in his short six years on this Earth than I have been through in my twenty-two years here.
After my cousin, Prince passed away last month, I promised myself that I would live my life as unconventional as possible rather than follow the "rules" of the norm. If I one day want to get up and fly to Italy, I will do so. Tomorrow is not for certain. Why do we put fences around other selves on what we can do in a certain time frame when most of us may never get that chance to take the big plunge in the great beyond again? Why not just pack all of your things and get out of here if that's what you want to do. We worry too much about work and school than about why we are truly here; we are here to serve our Higher Being (whomever that is to you as an individual) and live as unconventional as possible. I think my purpose in life is to live a life to see as many things as possible before my dying moment rather than slave to the norms of society before taking time to adventure the world.
You are a great writer, and I can't wait to read more from you in the future. It's inspiring me to get back into poetry blogs/dream journals.
Oh yeah, don't ever stop dreaming.
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