Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"My Greek letters make me cool!"

I woke up this morning to get ready to go to the gym at 7:15 like usual when I stumbled upon a "cousin of mine's" Face book page. Well..she's not really my cousin...hell...we don't even get along! But, anyways, I noticed that she is a part of the Order of the Eastern Star. It startled me a bit to see that a woman so brilliant (book-smart) could be easily manipulated into becoming a mason. I hope she knows what she's gotten herself into.

If only most of the people that join college fraternities and sororities knew that they are also masons by joining these various Greek orders. But, rather than look beyond the bright colored paraphernalia (tee-shirts, key chains, etc.) and "cool kids" that are part of these orders, they actually need to research who founded these Greek organizations.

"But we have benefits...I can find a job right after college."

Yeah, that's fine, but why would you want to join any organization that does everything in secrecy? Why would you want to join an organization that makes you do things you don't want to do during your pledging "Rush" time-period? Does putting a brand on your arm like cattle really make you feel any better?

All I say is that, people need to look beyond the propaganda of positive things these organizations do and actually look at the history of how these organizations were started. Most fraternities, orders, and sororities are masonic! Research it yourself!

Here's a few links:



my left wisdom is smarting said...

Sheesh, why are folks so darned brainwashed???

Must be all the beef, chicken, milk, and terrible media programming. Pah.

Anonymous said...

So true.....people really need to look deeper into things that they associate themselves with and want to be a part of. The Truth Will Set You Free....