I don't have the courage to get up and leave this room. I don't have the strength to get up and be bombarded with the red cliche of today. The bullshit of this so-called holiday but let the people seem to forget that caring more about teddy bears, cards, and candies won't cover up the shit you have to do today. Having one day in the year such as this Valentine's Day (Christmas, Memorial Day, etc) shouldn't be set aside just to celebrate one thing that we encounter everyday. Christmas now is more of a commerce holiday than it is a religious one in such. If you disagree, why are we opening gifts for ourselves to celebrate someone else's birthday? Christmas being the perfect time to have a great holiday...just in time for the year end clearance sales for these major stores owned by conglomerates such as Viacom. Selling all of the year's leftover product for a greater profit than holding onto the product for the new year when it becomes obsolete. Perfect timing, yeah?
Why is Memorial Day set aside as a day that we mourn those that have died for this country unjustly? Why can't we mourn and remember those that have died for this country everyday and not just set aside one day of the year to do so?
I just don't understand why people take the time to "celebrate" these things without truly really realizing why they do so. The media has for more of a greater influence in all of our lives than most of you think. The one day that we all wake up and all of our material possessions are destroyed or disappear will be the day anarchy will reign. That will be the day that people's third eyes' will begin to open. But, until this great day, the general masses will walk around with the media's "horse blinders" covering their third eyes' sight of introspection and visions of the world at large.
I hope and pray one day that the general public will really ask and question themselves on why they do the things they do unwillingly and how senseless the majority of the things we do and believe in are. This day that I talk of is almost upon us. In some shape, form, or fashion, we will all see the truth that we have been blinded from. A revolutionary hip hop artist, Immortal Technique said in a freestyle that "Capitalism being a religion and Satan is its god, we all walk around with idols we worship in our pockets and lives subconsciously." (I think I misquoted the lyrics, but whatever.) It's true! Maybe that day will come. Open up your eyes people before it's too late.
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