Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Going Broke For Christmas
Isn't it completely logical that Christmas is more of an economic holiday than it is a religious one? People say they celebrate this day as the birth of Jesus Christ, but they continue to buy extravagant gifts that they can not truly afford to show their "love" for the recipient of the gifts. Buying children these hundred dollar video game systems that they will only play until March just does not seem logical to me at all. It's interesting how the Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, and Microsoft's XBox 360 cost more than most people's monthly car payments. You save up a tremendous amount of money from months past to make sure that little Billy and Sarah have a great Christmas on material bumkum that won't hold their attention even until the forthcoming Summer.
Maybe buying your loved ones something that will actually stimulate their minds rather than annul their minds such as novels is a better purchase than a set of pearls or a toy that will be lost and forgotten. Buying that gift item that will lose its luster after many years is not always the greatest investment you would want to make. So, this Christmas, buy your loved one a book or a musical instrument rather than something that will hurt you financially. An investment for your well-being is a much greater gift than jewelry or a toy. Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Myspace Thugs & Cyber Divas
I wanted to write about something today that I have noticed on Myspace and on other online communities as well. Why is that males and females alike both feel the need to exploit themselves on their personal pages? Why do certain males feel they need to promote this machismo role of taking pictures in mirrors of their firearms, and counting money? Why do females exploit themselves with pictures of themselves spread-eagle on their beds exposing their body parts? It's very simple; these individuals do these things because they need attention.
Males feel the need to exploit themselves with pictures of them counting hundred dollar bills and toting guns in their palms to attract women. Taking pictures in front of their overly-gaudy cars to attract women has become the norm on Myspace, Facebook, and other online arenas for people's interactions with each other. If you need to show off the money you have to get a female's attention, nine times out of ten the female that is attracted to you for these reasons is definitely not going to be worth the time and effort. You only attract what you put out.
Females taking pictures in pornstar-esque poses in front of bathroom mirrors of their homes only do this to get guys attention. Taking pictures of your breasts and buttocks only will only attract the raunchy guys that you are broadcasting yourself out to.
When did it become normal to exploit yourself for personal attraction? When did it become cool to take pictures of your guns, cars, clothes, and body to attract other people? Maybe, I am different in my approach to women, but I see absolutely nothing attractive about a female that has the audacity to broadcast explicit pictures of herself via the internet to gain popularity amongst their peers.
It's very simple; if you are looking for attention through material things that you possess, then you have a tremendous problem with your securities. If someone cannot be attracted to you for whom you are, then they should not be worth your time. Some of us need to grow up; taking pictures of yourself with guns and counting money will only attract the most plastic females. Posing with your ass in the air will attract the most raunchy males. Let's think a bit harder, people.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The token black kid in the sea of whites that takes all the subliminal racist bullshit with hella strife,
laughs and takes in the jokes of their own skin color,
not realizin inside the heart they bother,
the father of the kid feels their son and daughter,
has lost their sense of pride because they crash and flatter,
the agony of perplexity it seems to gather,
within the kid's sternum of his body not recognizing the matter,
dying inside his own skin wishing genocide on his own has to be the answer,
dying their hair color blonde and wearin' blue contacts just makes it feel badder,
looking at your own kind from the other side of town with hateful eyes just makes it sadder,
until you're 45 years old walkin aside another black man or women and you hear the word screamed "NIGGER!,"
then you turn around and look because you think they're not talkin about you, damn, you've slipped and crashed for 45 years into gray matter,
you're whole life you hated your skin color and wished you were lighter,
Just a little more shades of blue or green in my eyes you wanted them brighter,
the assimilated nigga movement is all amongst us making class ism amongst blacks thousands of times harder,
you went to all the brown paper bag parties where they wouldn't let blacks in if there skin was darker,
the uncle tom and tragic mulatto complex is set within these niggas and this to all of you it should bother,
because they will live their whole lives trying to be white then die a fool of a pseudo movement towards self-hatred, a bullshit martyr.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Gym?! Oh, that place I used to go to everyday...
I need to get back in the gym; it has been 2 months since I have done anything strenuous. The hallowed grounds of the gym had become my answer and solace to the hardships that laid beyond the entry doors of the gym. Today, I will go bust my ass in the gym; I have realized that when I work out (no matter how stressful the situation in my life it is) the work outs make me feel so much better about everything.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Journal Entry Vingt-Huit (28)
I have came a long way from writing poems in the most bitter mind state for the world to see to writing in more profound ways. I am no longer at a crossroads in my life to whether I am trying to figure out what route to take; I am content with my life at this point in time. I am thankful to live life without any of the health issues that some people I know have come across over the years. Here I was complaining about not having the money to buy shit I really don't need when on Friday I seen an old baseball mate of mine from the little league days paralyzed in a wheelchair, and I realized that I have nothing in the world to complain about. I am able to walk and breathe freely as I please; that is more than a blessing enough for me.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Who is Fat Tony?
Check out the new song added to Fat Tony's page....
"Love Life"
Click the picture to add Fat Tony!!!
Upcoming Shows
Oct 31 2007 9:00P
21+ - Pi Lounge and Bar ::: Halloween Show w/ Domino (iLL Faded Productions) Houston, Texas
Nov 2 2007 6:30P
University of St. Thomas w/ Fat Tony, Dee Rail, The Low Ends, The Rudyments, and more. Houston, Texas
Dec 1 2007 12:00P
Free Show - Contemporary Arts Museum houston, Texas
Dec 13 2007 7:00P
Mojo Risin' Coffee House w/ World Wide Web Houston, Texas
Sunday, October 7, 2007
National I.D.
Please, people...open up your eyes! The structure of the world is not getting any better; the United States is in a police state! Everyone's awareness levels should be on pins and needles; do not let all propaganda of mirrors and smoke of consumer goods that you do not need block your introspection in general! Below is a petition to stop the National I.D. from being implemented. Please look over the site, and if you will feel it makes sense to you, sign the petition! Do some research people on nanotechnology and the National I.D. Don't let the talking heads throughout the media place subjective thinking upon you. Research these topics for yourself and learn the truth about what is going on around you.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Institutions of Higher Learning Becoming Murder Scenes
For a lot of people of color from impoverished neighborhoods, areas, and cities, the opportunity to go to college is a true blessing from God. For Black, Latino, and Polynesian males and females, to get the opportunity to go to college and getaway from the many troubles of the poor neighborhoods that a lot of us come from is a dream. A lot of us from these neighborhoods that grew up seeing all this crime and violence seen the gift of going to college as an escape from the reality that we have grown up with. We would never think it would be even a problem of being shot on a college campus, but now that's no longer a truth to us. Who would have ever thought that by going to college that you would have to worry about being shot and murdered? Definitely not me!
Peace and love goes out to the people and families that were effected by the shootings at Virginia Tech University, Delaware State University, and especially to Taylor Bradford at the University of Memphis. I can most relate to Taylor Bradford's case because he and I are about the same age, and I had a cousin get murdered in January of this year. God bless all of you! Please, do be safe!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Instead of Going Out
There is nothing specifically that I have the vigor to write about in this entry. I guess you can label this one as another one of my "freestyles." Life in general right now has eased up a bit from the cobwebs of stress that I felt a month previously. It was an absolute hard transition to go from being a dependent living in another's house partying all the time to having to become independent and realizing that financially partying 3 times a week is not the best investment. As much as I liked going out at the frequency of 3 times a week, it was a becoming a habit. Spending excessive amounts of my money at night clubs and bars here in the San Francisco Bay Area was weighing down on me a bit. Not so much because of the stability of my business venture, but I was burning a great deal of my profit in the nightlife scene. Think about it:
a) Gas - $45
b) Bar/Club Cover Charge - $15
c) Drinking Expense - $15
+d) Late-Night Snack - $6
Average Total - $81
After doing this calculation of expenses from how I usually spend my money whenever I go out, it really doesn't seem likely that I will be going out but once a month anymore. The most ridiculous expense of them all is the cover charge for a bar or club. There are bars and clubs as cheap as $5 to even very expensive ones that can cost you $25 just to get in. On average, a mixed alcoholic beverage at most bars/clubs will range from $7-12. Most people when can drink from a range of 2-4 drinks in one night. Whether you're taking it easy at the bar that night or if you're going to party your ass off, you will check in your pockets the next day and realize a substantial amount of your money is no longer there. I mean, I love going out for the atmosphere and to meet new women, but damn, if it costs me on average $81 to when I go out then why the hell am I going out in the first place?!
Monday, September 17, 2007
...Land of the free, Huh? Seemed like forever ago...
Interesting how the people in the crowd during this debate were laughing at the University of Florida student that was being tasered for asking simple questions to John Kerry. Obviously, he was asking things that were a bit too "controversial" therefore the homonculus clones (oh, I'm sorry, the police) were following orders like the guard dogs they are. Anything in the country at this state in time that may bring up the consciousness of its citizens to open their introspection to what's really going on around them is seen as an immediate threat. Therefore, it is policed and cited as a "terrorist act" for stating facts of this nation's corrupt politics. The kid was just stating how Kerry had won the election against Bush, and how it was indescribable how Kerry did not even contest his loss to Bush at all in anyway, shape, or form. The kid also asked Kerry if he opposed Bush's plan to invade Iran, and why didn't he vote to get Bush impeached. The last question and most ironic one that got him arrested was the undergraduate asking Kerry if he was a part of Skull & Bones fraternity with Bush. This tipped the police into a maniacal frenzy to get the kid away from the microphone and arrest him for absolutely nothing. He was immediately tasered when they could have easily just arrested and escorted him outside of the building. Land of the free, home of the brave, huh?
1. Loss of function of respiratory muscles, producing death from asphyxia.
This method of death requires paralysis of the lungs for a period of at least several minutes. The lack of oxygen could cause brain damage and death. The AIR TASER® runs off a nine-volt battery that would drain in less than two minutes if it could run nonstop without breaks in the TASER®-Wave cycle. Even if the device was able to run nonstop and the current ran continuously across the diaphragm muscles in the mid thorax, the duration of the paralysis would be too short to induce death by asphyxia. More importantly, the design of the AIR TASER® ensures that a long and continuous flow discharge will not occur. Death due to paralysis of respiratory muscles has never been reported with the use of a TASER®. (See Section 1. Automatic Impulse Regulation for details.)
2. Hemorrhage resulting from increased blood pressure.
Dr. Robert Stratbucker, MD, Ph.D., MS, PE is the most respected doctor in non-lethal electronic weapons testing and safety evaluations. Dr. Stratbucker has written over 23 publications and presented his work in numerous technical conferences and scientific exhibits. Some of his works include the following relevant topics: potential cardiac hazards in the use of hand-held electronic law enforcement devices, relative immunity of the skin and cardiovascular systems to the direct effects of high voltage, cardiac arrhythmia and defibrillation, current density distributions during transcutaneous current pacing, and electrical characteristics of the skin. Dr. Stratbucker’s study in Section V of this report, demonstrated that even direct application of the TASER® output to the heart "showed only a mild and transient effect on blood pressure." No death by this means has ever occurred in an individual shot with a TASER®.
3. Heart Failure.
Dr. Stratbucker performed tests by applying the TASER®-Wave pulsed wave form directly to the cardiac tissue via an intracardiac electrode and found "no effect on cardiac rhythm or pumping." He also tested the pulsed waveform for interference with cardiac pacemakers. Dr. Stratbucker found "only when the shocks were delivered directly to the pacer itself did erratic pacing occur. Following the termination of the shocks, the rhythm returned promptly to pre-shock regularity." The designs of modern pacemakers withstand the pulses of electrical defibrillators that are several hundred times stronger than TASER® pulses. Tests at the Cordis Medical Lab in Florida have confirmed this.
There have been several reported heart failures in individuals shot by the TASER®. However, in all cases but one there were sufficient amounts of PCP or other drugs in the blood to have caused the death. The one case the TASER® was listed as a contributing factor involved a person with a serious heart condition who was on PCP. However, the doctor performing the autopsy listed the TASER® as possible contributing factor. In none of these cases did the heart failure occur until at least 15 minutes after being shot with a TASER®. Electrically stimulated heart failure would be immediate and would occur during the shock. The patient would die within two to three minutes. There is no plausible mechanism for the TASER® to cause a delayed heart failure. Instead, it appears to have been listed as a potential cause in the above case in the name of conservatism. (By law, coroners must list any possible cause.)
4. Respiratory failure due to nervous inhibitions or damage to the nervous system.
The TASER® does not produce enough power to damage nerve tissue. It simply produces electrical signals confusing the nervous system by overloading the nerve fibers with meaningless signals. No deaths of this nature have been reported.
5. Skin and flesh burns.
A tremendous amount of heat generated by high power currents would have to occur for this type of burn. The nine-volt battery of a TASER® does not produce enough power to cause any more than perhaps slight surface burns. Testing in hospital settings has shown that the TASER® does not to cause burns.
Ghostland Observatory
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Treasure Island Music Fest
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
...more more...yeah...musique.
Killah Priest (of Wu Tang Clan)
LMNO (of the Visionaries)
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Circle Takes The Square
As Cities Burn
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Goodbye, Sprint.
I ask myself this question everyday; "Why I pay so damn much for a cell phone?!" Well, I am in the Bay Area now for good, so I don't need a nationwide service such as Sprint anymore. I will just have to get a Metro PCS phone for the time being. $50 a month for unlimited minutes and text messages on my phone doesn't sound bad at all. Yeah...Metro PCS has extremely crappy networking such as dropped calls. Hell, Metro PCS drops more calls than Tiki Barber dropped footballs in the 2000 NFL season. But, whatever. I am not picky in these days and times. I am utterly broke and a true starving student now. To just have a cell phone and rent paid is all that truly matters at this time. (God, I hope I get this marketing internship with Photobucket.)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Sunspot Jonz

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wearing Hella Hats.
I start school on Monday; I am rather ready for it to start so I can graduate! To graduate and move onto bigger and better things. I have an article that I have published in my local newspaper, "East Palo Alto Daily News" on gentrification. In fact, it was a blog that I wrote a while back that I submitted to be published. I will continue to try to freelance write for as many publications as possible in order to add more and more things to my resume. I think that by this time next year (Lord say the same) I will have a wide range of things to put on my resume.
1) I am interning for one of my favorite hip hop groups, Zion I.
2) I write for my local newspaper, "East Palo Alto Daily News."
3) I write club and venue reviews for NiteVibe.com.
Possibilities in the Near Future (like next week):
1) Online Community Moderator (Limbo.com)
2) Writing Internship (Vintage Auto Racing Magazine)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Hardcore rock
The Chariot
The Number 12 Looks Like You
Norma Jean
As Cities Burn
Every Time I Die
Monday, August 13, 2007
Broken Glass All In My Mouth
Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don’t know who that is staring at me. Who’s that guy weathered by stress and beats himself down to a pulp. Does he fail to realize that he is divine? I know that I am divine but sometimes I look at myself and it hurts my eyes. The reflection I see…the guy that is inside of me..asking what’s it like to be free…ooh free is just a state of mind…a simple feeling…strikingly blindly to the depths of the ceilings…of caverns of my thoughts…I was bought….hell, well I can’t be bought when all I ever had is to soon to be lost…I scraped, scratched, and fought for the world to be easy…found out that I was much more than the dirt so she could see me….maybe she would give it a chance to derail my train of thought….so we could get beyond all the soon on here and after thoughts…but the timing of these events just didn’t seem to come here on after…I stated and forgave her for me crying and her laughter…the soon of a broken thought made the jokes a bit badder…like climbing to the top then realizing it’s a broken ladder…
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Refurbished Dell
Monday, July 23, 2007
Take A Cold Stare At The State That We Live In...Please!
This newly signed Executive Order is just another piece to the puzzle of the great future for all of us here in the U.S. The grim reality of martial law is upon all of us. The Executive Order violates the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments, but we all already know that when the Patriot Act was signed stating that all of your rights here within this country would easily be violated and stripped away from you.
In May 2007, Bush issued a National Security Directive (National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive NSPD 51/HSPD 20) which could suspend the constitutional government and give the President dictatorial power absolutely over the nation if there were to be another 9-11 scenario implicated within the country. What this means is when another national tragedy such as 9/11 occurs, martial law will be implicated throughout the whole country.
Turn on the TV sets and you will see the major headlines are all about the 'next Al Qaeda attack on the nation's soils. This should be foreshadowing of what is next to come in this nation within the next few months, maybe years. I honestly and truly believe that another 9/11-like attack will happen to suspend the presidential race of the future president and will give President Bush a longer stay in the White House so that his plans of martial law can and will be enforced by the end of this year. Don't be surprised if martial law is enforced a lot sooner than you think.
Read for about the latest Executive Order here:
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Dreams Canceled
Friday, July 20, 2007
And it just gets worse. I now see that the city has plans to build a marina where there are also many other small businesses that will be no longer every soon. This marina will have any restuarants, shops, and such that I'm sure will include Starbuck's, Panera Bread, and other various chain restaurants. Wow, I can only imagine what this will do for the already ridiculously inflated prices of real estate in East Palo Alto, California. All of the places that were once parts of the culture in East Palo Alto and even my side of the neighborhood, Belle Haven of Menlo Park, have been destroyed to build Starbuck's, Ikea, Home Depot, Four Seasons, etc. If at all the peninsula of the San Francisco Bay Area (San Mateo County) wasn't corporate enough, the few neighborhoods such as mine that had immense roots of culture and tradition have been turned into a cash cow for venture capitalists. Building plush and lavish manufactured homes and condos to drive up the cost of blue collar citizens' property taxes is putting a strangle hold around our citizens' necks. Many people can not afford to live in East Palo Alto any longer, and have moved to areas of the Central Valley such as Stockton and Modesto where the cost of living is much cheaper. In twenty years, when I bring my kids back to my neighborhood to show them the place that molded me into the upstanding young Black man that I am; they won't believe that this small 2/3 of a square mile was a working class city. Many of the places I used to play and eat at in this town will no longer be here, and they will laugh at me thinking that I have lied about the neighborhood I so loved to say I grew up in. As much as East Palo Alto has been given a bad dose of news headlines slated with murder and drug problems, let's not forget about programs such as College Track, EPA Can Do, and OICW that are shining examples of positivity in East Palo Alto. The gentrification must stop!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Rather Phrenic or Blatantly Dotterel
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I destroyed the all Seeing Eye
In its devilish disguise,
You walk around and praise it subliminally to its meteoric rise,
But in my eyes,
You niggas still don’t realize,
What pain is subject and it shall pass,
The falling of a dawning of
The ceiling that was glass
Inferiorities of Plato and Socrates,
They were men fuckin each other,
Not just so called scholars,
Stealing the African's mathematics and placing Greek above it,
If you found out Socrates was black, I don't think you would love it,
That would be the jagged glass and scrap metal I don’t think you could stomach,
Finding out that Julius Caesar was more than a tyrant,
A man that loved his wife and also fucked men,
The same ways that all high degree masons could all be homosexual
The men cloaked in dark vales fuckin each other in festivals,
The tyrannical sabbatical irrational classic,
The times I ran through my life wanting to be American,
I must have been a target
A fuckin sheep to believe that
The same place that killed off the Native Americans,
And still supports segregation,
That’s why your black or Latino son or daughter gets dirty looks at their majority of a school that’s all Caucasian,
Or when you go to that five star restaurant and they claim they lost your reservation,
It’s because you’re colored which means you have dominant genes, and your genes aren’t recessive
The pain a white man feels when he finds out that nigga got his daughter pregnant,
Or when his teenage son plays nothing but hip hop,
They realize in their minds that this black movement must stop,
So they call their local news station to put your ass on display,
Saying you steal from their home and rape their wife and daughter almost everyday,
It’s the white man’s greed,
That has killed our knowledge of our dominant seed
By 2050, the whole world will be brown, the white man’s population will not lead.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Looking beyond the world sporadically
I saw the subjects of kings and tyrants die in tragedy
More like blasphemy
Because the tyrants considered themselves gods
More like deities
The kind that use your minds for experimentation
The troubles and mis fortunates of a nation
Seeing the white ooze fall back from my eyes
Not my penis, not masturbation
I ask her for one chance to see if we'll have some relation
But all I got in the conversation
Was the jargon of miscues from a woman misbehaving
Perplexing it is to see you wanting me beyond my physical attraction
You bask in your arrogance and never seen the real reaction
The reaction I felt to the cold shoulder you left for me to cry on
The jagged darts and katanas you left for me to walk on
The bombs and missiles you left for me to say goodbye on
Or the noose and chopping block you left for me to die on.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
...I'm 22, I'll finish college in Yemen if I want to.
Like I told my grandmother last night, I will finish college here and I could careless if they want me to finish at a piece of shit college in Maryland to which they know nothing about. I am 22 years old; I am not 13! Maybe one day they will realize that before it's too late.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Pilot Speed
"Barely Listening" by Pilot Speed
I saw this music video on a local college TV station and I was a little blown away how the singer from this band, Pilot Speed sounds exactly like the front man from the Muse. This band from Ontario is definitely something to look out for.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sinus InFect-Shun!
I guess I can take it as a sign that I need to slow down; I need to pull myself away from the random "Hey, it's Wednesday night, let's go drink!" nights that I have become so accustom to. There's nothing wrong with going out, but when you are going out as much as I am within an average week, it is understandable how my body has picked up this sinus infection so easily. I go out on average about 4-5 times on any given week during the summer seeing as I work and intern, and there's no early morning wake-ups to get to the plantation like most people do. Therefore, I can go out practically any night that I want to.
But, it's time that I grow up, and slow down. Maybe fetch a DVD or two from Amoeba Records, pop some popcorn, and grab that gorgeous young woman (whomever she may be) a little closer to enjoy the film with. Yes...that does sound like a plan rather than being out amongst the drunks and whores in alcohol, urine, and vomit-laden bars, pubs, and clubs on any given night. Yes...it sounds like a great plan!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Another BS 'smash hit!'
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I remember being in my 12th grade psychology class and my teacher, Mr. MacKenzie explaining how societies (such as Germany, Italy, and France) that don't see sex as a taboo don't live with the same neuroses as the people in America do. He made a important correlation between being neurotic affected by taboos such as sex to destructive human behavior such as murder, rape, etc. He said this is why America leads the whole world in murders, rapes, and other violent crimes. It makes sense to me, does it make sense to you? The more taboos a people have, the more neurotic they will become which will cause extreme acts of self-destruction by drug and alcohol abuse, rape, and even murder.
So speak freely about whatever you please, and don't let so-called rules of your society hold you back from being open with yourself and the people around you. Live as you please; it's your life, not the powers that be.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Play list on Random and An Imagination
I could float here forever...We're all anemic.
Chino Moreno has become one of my favorite rock vocalists for the simple fact is this guy can actually sing his ass off unlike most American front men of rock bands. What I have been noticing in the rock scene (music scene in general) is that the demand for a person with a great and original voice is not an antecedence like it was in previous decades.
Dieselboy is a drum and bass DJ based out of Atlanta, Georgia; his music that he has produced has engrossed me deeper into the drum and bass genre. Drum and bass being one of the many immense sub-genres of the electronic music category within itself has grown on me more infectiously than I ever could imagine that any kind of music with electro elements could.
This blog was basically just something that I wrote with no since of direction but that of the music in my play list playing at this current time.
Take care.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Something That I Felt That Needed to Be Read
a welfare supporter
the last days of our plagues
wrapped up in a political rage
communism is the future
check out for the Amero
North American Union is here
Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. as one
Within the next two years
the masons working around the clock
to keep from the Great Awakening
in 2012
companies owning cancer and disease genes
to exterminate the sheep
were the testing lab rats they test everything out on
to be black and white and latino and even asian
but were all the same human being
the truth is that theres a bigger smoke screen
beyond american idol's latest winner
and the break out of new diseases are coming true
look past the smoke and mirrors that they feed to us
i can only hope that one day you will realize that it's bigger than e what you think
the talking heads of the world are all puppets
in a 3 year old's mind state
being controlled and taking orders from people we don't even know exist
disney being the largest conglomerate smoke screened with purity
being all the way with paganism and laced with subliminal sexuality
propagated to children to grow up to be sex fiends and murderers and thieves
you can write it off if you want to
but i hope you look beyond the smoke screens and mirrors.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Finally, a radio station I can listen to!!
It's kind of a hassle to find a radio station that plays independent music. Usually you have to turn your FM dial to the 88-92 range to find a college radio station that plays some kind of independent and obscure music, and there is usually never a radio station that is decided to the greatest genre of hip hop: the underground hip hop scene.
I was scanning through my daily internet website that I love to go to find my latest in underground hip hop news and album releases, Underground Hip Hop.com, and found this radio station run by a UC Davis graduate that is devoted to nothing but the finest in underground hip hop. The play list has some of the most obscure and local scene artists to even some of the most popular hip hop groups and solo artists amongst the underground hip hop circuit.
I recommend that you go to http://www.gtronicradio.com/
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
It's alright
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
...this is what it sounds like when doves cry die
i sit here
at this laptop
and i ask myself what does it feel like to die
what does it feel like to watch someone cry
the night their mom, dad, brother, and sister died
i fell yet and split my lip the gist to get by
realized in the moonlight that you wished i would die
forgive me if you must for i gust out one last sigh
you watched my autodafe at the stake burned to a crisp, walk on by
another bitch in the proverbs of my notebook as i let my pen cry
and this is what it sounds like when doves die.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
People In Planes
I am writing again; I am listening to "Falling By The Wayside" by a hell of a great band from the UK, People in Planes. I bought their LP "As Far As The Eye Can See" back in January at the best indie record store in the world, Amoeba Records in San Francisco and haven't been able to stop playing it since. Whether you like rock or not, this LP is one of those albums that even the most close-minded music fan might be able to enjoy. It's just pure rock music. The sense of simple baselines and a front man that can actually sing his ass off is something that is hard to find in a rock band nowadays. I would hella recommend you to buy this LP when you get a chance.
Overall Album Grade-85 percent...hella good!
Friday, May 25, 2007
A Simple Writing
But, as most of the other skeltons in the closet, she will probably fail and fall by the wayside as her predecessors was done before her. Why am I not even surprised? But, what can you do when a person doesn't see the things in you that you have seen within them? Do you just get up and walk out of the door of their life, or do you try to be a better friend than they were to you? I shall not consider you a "friend" anymore; you were never a friend of mine in the first place.
On a lighter note, I hope that everyone enjoys this weekend as I will. Tonight is chapter anew; goodbye for now.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Wonder What's Next
Sunday, May 13, 2007
"That will be 30 dollars please for your NIN album."
Who in their right mind state would pay close to 30 dollars for an album? I don't give a damn if the album is supposed to be the greatest thing ever written or recorded; there is no way in hell I would spend close to 30 bucks on an album. Hell...I don't even spend over 10 bucks on albums if you catch my drift. Thank you, Amoeba Records (California-based independent record store) and my favorite music site for making good music hella cheap (or even free). I bought ten albums at Amoeba records in San Francisco in January for less than 30 dollars! Believe it or not. I got Atreyu's first album for 1 DOLLAR!!!
So why would I spend close to twenty-five dollars for an Avril Lavigne CD? Exactly! I wouldn't!
Friday, May 11, 2007
The 'c' in mainstream rap is silent!
It's a trip how the mainstream rap that is absorbed and suppressed through the eardrums of most youth and people in general is extremely redundant in all ways. It's as simple as this: Would you rather have 200 albums of the same 5 rappers you see on MTV/BET and hear on your FM radio dial rapping about completely redundant and mundane topics? Or would you rather have thousands of CD's from a various amount of artists in the underground hip hop game that rap about more than jewelry, cars, drugs, and sex?
The choice is very simple! One million points for underground hip hop, ZERO for mainstream rap! (The 'c' in 'rap' is silent).
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
DAMN! That was so funny, I forgot to laugh. No really..I forgot to laugh.
It's kind of interesting how we as minorities (blacks especially) are the scapegoats and entertainers for people of Anglo-Saxon descent. The brunt of all jokes, I guess. I know this video above is completely and utterly ignorant in all of its intent to marginalize and degrade all black people into one stupid and utterly feeble-minded attempt at comedic fruition. Yes, I do realize that to those of you that aren't of Black descent will consider this merely a simple joke, but it isn't. This is the kind of buffoonery and lackluster attempts of comedic skits and vignettes that grace the TV screens. This skit in particular came from a show on the FUSE network called "The Whitest Kids You Know." You can also find skits of the "Hitler Rap" and of "Timmy Poops His Pants" on their YouTube account. I didn't realize that my generation was so absorbed with championing mediocrity through the arenas and venues of mainstream TV channels, magazines and websites. But, yes...these guys on "The Whitest Kids You Know" are basically just following in the footsteps of MTV's "Jackass." What could you expect from pseudo aspiring actors that received prime time TV slots on two very prominent networks owned by the same conglomerate corporation? Exactly! Nothing much, right?
Why must my generation be known as the 'lazy, ignorant and completely insipid' generation? Why must we be consumed with exalting mediocrity through our arenas of entertainment? I don't see what's funny or even amusing about this kind of crap! But, go figure.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
...I write bombs with ink blots...(Freestyle Numero Vingt-Neuf) 28
Other than writing these blogs about two to three times a week on average, I also keep a notebook of poems and a journal that I write in quite frequently. Generally when I write my blogs, I try to think out a topic to write about that will make sense to most people, but when I write in my journal and book of poems, I could careless if I have misspellings or poor grammar. I guess this will be considered the first time that I published one of my blogs without any particular format or even a structure. Oh, well!
I will be back at home in California for good on the 18th of this month! Thank God! I haven't seen a palm tree or a beach since January! More importantly, I haven't seen any of my friends or family since January! But, with the grace of God, I pray that I will at least get to see all of them at least one more time.
Oh, yeah! I'm not coming back to this college; I'm transferring to Menlo College back home in the Bay Area in California!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Suffocate me all you need, I won't breathe but it's o.k.
You'll be somewhere around me, and I won't need air.
-Armor For Sleep
If only things would change soon enough. If only the grays that have taken over my sight would be overcome with the ordinary beautiful hues of the world. What could cause such a dark and mundane moment in a twenty-two year old's life? The age when most are graduating from college and trying to find a balance in paying bills and their rent, but yet still longing for the semesters of years past when everyday was met with oblivion and carefree. Where did those days go?
Monday, April 16, 2007
It's Like MK Ultra Controlling Your Brain
MK Ultra was a government run program that was used to brainwash particular civilians by sensory and auditory divestiture. I believe that the individual at Virginia Tech was a victim of this "program," and therefore was subjected to doing such a horrendous act on this damp and dark morning. The "failing of a class and break up of a girlfriend" was basically a media ploy to get the masses to fall for such propaganda. Think about it; how else would an engineering student at one pretty prestigious university in the rural area of Virginia get the professional training of murdering over thirty people in a small increment of time? It just makes complete and utter sense to me that this individual was under the MK Ultra program. The same way the marines and many of the military personnel are trained to become such savage killing machines is the same way that individuals are brainwashed during the MK Ultra experiments.
A bystander said that the killer was killing the victims "almost professionally," and you still believe he killed so many people with two handguns? Yeah..that's extremely viable in such of an event! Wake up, people! Don't let the media talking heads pull your mind around with this "he shot the whole campus up because his girlfriend left him" crap. It's much deeper than that; he was controlled by some group or entity.
Click the links below to learn more about MK Ultra and other forms of brainwashing:
Click the link to read the article:
Saturday, April 14, 2007
"Radio" by Pitty Sing
This band's self-titled album is great!
Click below:
Friday, April 13, 2007
The underground scene has always been seen by large mainstream record labels such as Atlantic, Arista, and Columbia as a threat. There actually are a certain large number of artists that could careless about being on MTV's number one requested show, TRL, or being in heavy rotation by one of Clear Channel's radio stations. The main problem I have with the commercial music scene is that the artists don't have complete artistic control of what they can produce on their albums. They have to go through A&R's and then a board at their record company before their music can even be heard by the masses. If the music that they want to produce isn't of a "bubble-gum pop" nature, then it generally won't be made public.
The mainstream music scene is entertainment; the underground (independent) music scene is art. It's sad how music is an element of art (such as sculpture, drama, or dance) but in the mainstream circuit, has become more of an entertainment ground to produce some of the most untalented people that call themselves "artists." Since when did shaking your ass in a video like the "infectiously" popular Pussycat Dolls become popular? Oh...yeah...that's right...I forgot! They only became popular because "sex sells!" The mainstream music motto of 'showing a little ass" can be seen in both genders of male and female.
The independent and commercial music scenes are polar opposite, but when people choose music saturated with sex, drugs, and violence just because it's the popular thing to do, that's utterly sad.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Spartan Workout
And you thought your workout routine was over-exerting your body. It's truly amazing that pushing your body to limits like this really does pay off.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Sid Vicious
"My Way (Frank Sinatra Cover)"
He was 22 years old when we died of an overdose in 1979. He was known as the innovator of punk rock.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
She's a sexy little goddess, fashionably modest...There are many reasons why it is hard for me to trust anyone. Even with the people in my family, I give them "half-assed" trust (if you know what I mean). It's always been a struggle for me to trust anyone (especially family) after realizing at the age of seventeen that the unthinkable can definitely become a reality with some of your closest people in your life. I have learned that I can trust only two people in my life: God and myself.
The only trust you have at the end of the day is within yourself and your God. You can not trust that any other human being will be there for you at your weakest state of mind or body. It's an act of self-preservation. It's hard not to take it personally; it's in our genetics to preserve one's self before others. There are particular individuals that will put another above their self in certain aspects or events through the train wreck of life, but in times of integral importance, they will put their self before anyone else.
In the beds we lay at night waiting to fall asleep alone; we all wish that we had another human being that we could put our imperforate trust in. But, it's not possible.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
We are consumed with this "reality" of normal people (such as ourselves) being broad casted on TV for the whole world to see. Do you honestly think that shows such VH1's "I Love New York" or "The Flava of Love" could possibly not be supposititious at all? Are you serious? Is it even viable that people could parade around
a numerous amount of producers, and television cameras
We are more engrossed with what's happening on falsified productions of reality on the small screen than we are with our own realities in our own lives. We also live as characters on reality TV ourselves; the audience isn't millions of people in their homes laughing at our mishaps and problems though. The audience is the organizations formed by the government used to scan, scrutinize, and perlustrate our lives. Don't believe it, huh? Smile for the camera next time you are walking with your iPod blaring totally disconnected to your surroundings down Embarcadero in San Francisco, Melrose in Los Angeles, or 55th St. in New York.
No longer do we need to be consumed with the pseudo lives of actors on these "reality" TV shows; we need to be more worried about what we do in our everyday lives that's being broad casted to governmental firms to keep you disconnected to true reality.