Friday, December 30, 2011

End of the Year - Morning Mouthpiece (Podcast)

End of the Year Morning Mouthpiece 2011 by uncovered3rd

This was the last podcast of the year I just made this morning.
I'm giving some more game as usual..
Please be safe for New Years Eve.


Morning Soundtrack (Dec. 30, 2011)

This song always puts me in the mood of when I first moved to LA. The first time I heard this song was on an AFTA-1 x GAS'D mix tape from July 09. This song is the perfect song to wake up to. I'm a huge fan of music that is atmospheric and airy.

I remember owning this album in the backpack hip-hop stage of my life in college. I was introduced to Fat Jon, of the group, Five Deez in 07, and was a instant fan of the music. This song is an instrumental that puts in the setting of a smoky lounge sitting at a booth having a glass of merlot with the sexy one (she knows who she is).

This song reminds me of growing up and having to decipher which path in life I wanted to travel on. This song always puts me in a great mood. I remember listening to the most obscure music to make myself feel different in college; it's interesting how now indie music is now mainstream. I had someone tell me that my music selection is one-dimensional. She doesn't know me at all.