Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Morning Soundtrack VII

The first time I heard this song was in 2007 when I first left college. The year after college and joining the "real world" is a hard transition for anyone. At the time, Radiohead was my genesis.

This song right here sums up how I felt for so many years; give it a listen. It's funny listening to songs from a darker period in my life, and how yet in still, I can relate to these songs in a period of my life where I have come to figure out myself. The introspective early twenties of my life shaped the savage I am today.

This song came out my freshman year of high school. I bought this soundtrack in 98; such a great song. This also was a great movie. "At my man funeral, it's like nobody cares/But when police get shot, the Mayor...everybody there..." That lyric by Nas definitely fits for today.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Night

Seven56PM. Oakland, Calif. It's a great feeling to be in my friend's house with other friends enjoying the night. I remember years ago when going out every night was the highlight of my life, but now, since I've found love going out lacks its luster. I feel like socially I have lived in expedited existence while most people my age of 27 look forward to getting semi-comatose drunk, I'd rather sit at home and watch Netflix. The days of my drunken Frank The Tank...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Morning Soundtrack VII

My first time hearing this song was on Saturday at a BBQ. Something about a 90 degree day in October in LA ad hearing a song like this that makes a great day.

Hearing this song first thing in the morning is inspiring. M83 put out one of the best albums of the year in my opinion with "Hurry Up, We're Dreaming." The whole project puts me on a different planet when I hear it; you could completely encompassed in the music. This is definitely one of my favorite albums to come out this year. Do yourself a favor and give it a chance.

In an age when the word, "faggot" has more weight than a white girl rapper saying "nigga" consistently, this song shows how far off our perspective and pride in Black American culture is. In the time of the desensitized sheep, this song will open up your third eye. One week, a young black man is publicly lynched by police and nobody cares, but you will champion a white girl rapper saying "nigga" every other word is jarring to me. I'm surrounded by clones.