Monday, October 29, 2007


listen to the mixtape!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Journal Entry Vingt-Huit (28)

I recently haven't written much because writing to me comes in spurts; sometimes I write everyday in a week's time and others I can go weeks without even writing a word. I try to stay writing at least something (even if it's only 2 lines) a day to keep my writing style fresh and persistent. There's nothing more satisfying to me than knowing that someone is feeling what I am writing about in particular blogs, poetry, etc. Just to know that someone gave a shit enough to take the time out of their lives to read what I have to say is a true blessing to me, and I want to thank all of you that read my blogs from time to time to see me progressing as a human being.

I have came a long way from writing poems in the most bitter mind state for the world to see to writing in more profound ways. I am no longer at a crossroads in my life to whether I am trying to figure out what route to take; I am content with my life at this point in time. I am thankful to live life without any of the health issues that some people I know have come across over the years. Here I was complaining about not having the money to buy shit I really don't need when on Friday I seen an old baseball mate of mine from the little league days paralyzed in a wheelchair, and I realized that I have nothing in the world to complain about. I am able to walk and breathe freely as I please; that is more than a blessing enough for me.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Who is Fat Tony?

I have linked up with this cat named Fat Tony out of Houston, Texas that is hella young but still has the work ethic of a man well into his mid-twenties. I listen to a wide array of music (hip hop especially) and for me to say that I'm going to help manage someone they must be hella good. The potential level of this kid is hella high and I expect him to do hella well.

Check out the new song added to Fat Tony's page....
"Love Life"

Click the picture to add Fat Tony!!!

Upcoming Shows

Oct 31 2007 9:00P
21+ - Pi Lounge and Bar ::: Halloween Show w/ Domino (iLL Faded Productions) Houston, Texas

Nov 2 2007 6:30P
University of St. Thomas w/ Fat Tony, Dee Rail, The Low Ends, The Rudyments, and more. Houston, Texas

Dec 1 2007 12:00P
Free Show - Contemporary Arts Museum houston, Texas

Dec 13 2007 7:00P
Mojo Risin' Coffee House w/ World Wide Web Houston, Texas

Sunday, October 7, 2007

National I.D.

National Identification Cards will be implemented to all of the citizens of the United States very soon. The rights to travel freely and live as freely as you think you are doing now will definitely be opposed. The ability to travel within this country and to other countries will be policed with governmental superiority. The absolute scrutiny of your life as we know it will become a way in order for them to revoke you of all your rights and police, abuse, or imprison you when and wherever they please. The latest news that never made national headlines anywhere on CBS, CNN, NBC, etc. of college students having the right to freedom of speech, but being tortured by malicious acts by the campus police should have been an eye-opener for the people of this country. The recent acts of Neo Con soldiers in this country policing rally supporters (which if last I remembered was also freedom of speech) should also have opened your eyes more as well. Seeing as Neo Con soldiers are not police, and therefore they are mercenaries whom have the right to act as they please to engage on innocent civilians as they please when and wherever.

Please, up your eyes! The structure of the world is not getting any better; the United States is in a police state! Everyone's awareness levels should be on pins and needles; do not let all propaganda of mirrors and smoke of consumer goods that you do not need block your introspection in general! Below is a petition to stop the National I.D. from being implemented. Please look over the site, and if you will feel it makes sense to you, sign the petition! Do some research people on nanotechnology and the National I.D. Don't let the talking heads throughout the media place subjective thinking upon you. Research these topics for yourself and learn the truth about what is going on around you.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Institutions of Higher Learning Becoming Murder Scenes

It is not even safe to say that you will go to college to become a more intellectually and socially inept human being; you might have your life ended to a fatal shooting in your college dormitory. This year of 2007, there have been 3 major college campus shootings in the U.S.. The Virginia Tech University massacre captured 32 lives and 28 were wounded in April. Two people were shot at Delaware State University in Dover, Delaware earlier in September. The third shooting was at the University of Memphis in Tennessee and the victim was a young black man (whom was only 21 years old) whom played football for the university. He was walking out of his college dormitory last night (Sunday) and getting into his car to be shot and killed with a bullet lodged into his chest. He was found with his car wrecked into a tree not to far from his college dorm. Taylor Bradford was only 21 years old! I do not know the circumstances of how and why this young man was murdered, but I realized by the waking of this morning and alarming news of another fatal shooting on a college campus this year (all 3 shootings were all within the past 3 months) that a person cannot even go to college without worrying about being shot and murdered. That's 63 people that were shot this year on college campuses (that have been recorded), and 34 of the 63 people are dead. I wrote a blog about my theory surrounding MK Ultra and the Virginia Tech massacre, but I am not the one that should be speculating about the other two shootings. But, I will say this...

For a lot of people of color from impoverished neighborhoods, areas, and cities, the opportunity to go to college is a true blessing from God. For Black, Latino, and Polynesian males and females, to get the opportunity to go to college and getaway from the many troubles of the poor neighborhoods that a lot of us come from is a dream. A lot of us from these neighborhoods that grew up seeing all this crime and violence seen the gift of going to college as an escape from the reality that we have grown up with. We would never think it would be even a problem of being shot on a college campus, but now that's no longer a truth to us. Who would have ever thought that by going to college that you would have to worry about being shot and murdered? Definitely not me!

Peace and love goes out to the people and families that were effected by the shootings at Virginia Tech University, Delaware State University, and especially to Taylor Bradford at the University of Memphis. I can most relate to Taylor Bradford's case because he and I are about the same age, and I had a cousin get murdered in January of this year. God bless all of you! Please, do be safe!