Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Presidental Race 2008: Does It Really Matter?

Girl: I'm voting for Obama; he's a black man that will give this nation great change.

Boy: Is that change he will give a great one in the era of despair or will the change be brought from a greater source of racial tension in this nation resurrecting the white/black Jim Crow-esque ideals of the earlier half of this nation's birth?

Really, truly think about your vote today. Does it even matter in the first place? Is there already a winner picked out? Could all this "America's Choice in 2008"advertising all be a PR ploy? I'm not the most political person in the world when it comes to this thing they like to call "democracy," but I will say this....I believe that this country is in for a whole heap of trouble this year. Regardless of whom you vote for today, the political candidate that will be placed in office this time next year will be guaranteed to be the scapegoat of all of America's economic, military, and political problems. Doesn't this make complete sense to you, people:

A hundred years ago, black men and women (of whatever color) were seen as subsidiaries amongst their alleged "superior counterparts" (white men). Isn't it the least bit ironic to you that a black man (who is already the most hated figure in the world especially in this country) and a white women (a hundred years ago, women were fighting for the right to vote) now are the two figureheads for the 2008 Election? The irony of a black man and a women being the flagship talking heads for the seat in the "grandest house of them all," the White House is remarkable to me. I don't believe in this "America is ready for a change" PR campaign bull that is being saturated throughout the core of this country. From the shiny Obama stickers imprinted on college kids book bags in Seattle to the Clinton pick-it signs posted proudly in America's heartland of the Mid-West, the PR campaign is everywhere.

Even if either one of these political figures are truly "just" people, they are being voted into America at the time of being on the brink of a recession, economic depression, and even under the talons of the most feared war of them all, World War 3 with differences amongst Russia, Korea, and China. And what would this make the next president, whom happens to be possibly a black man or women...obviously, this makes them a scapegoat! Seen as scapegoats, (women and black men have been for centuries) what makes you people think that the next president won't be a scapegoat not only for America's problems, but the world's problems in general?

If Obama wins, we are in for a heap of trouble. A race war maybe only a few months away. Seriously! If Clinton wins, she will be scapegoated for America's future travesties. It's a double-edged sword regardless of whom the winner is of the two.

God help us all!

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