Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lonely People

It's been a truly long time since I sat here at this desk and typed away at my feelings. I felt like it was only fitting on this beautiful Sunday that I write something that was on my heart and my mind. In the past two months, I have been spending a lot of time alone reflecting on my past behavior and interactions with other human beings. I have learned that I pride myself a lot on my bluntness; I have also learned that with the truthful things I speak of, they hurt people immensely. I have learned that the reason for my many collegiate years of drunken nights and sleepless days were equated to my loneliness. We all go out looking for something that we essentially know is not there in the local dive bars amongst other lonely people. We get completely drunk and high, and act obnoxiously like we are truly having fun to wake up in the morning drained and feeling even more alone than the night before. I have realized this in the past three months; I will continue to go out on weekends, but I will not make a complete ass out of myself like I have in the past. I will leave you with this lyric from a song called "Young Shields" which speaks of our generation's neurosis...

We drink too much and fuck too soon
Smoke cigarettes in rented rooms
We quit our jobs and shoot the Moon
We cut our wrists and sleep 'til noon...

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