Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Intuition Through Music

You ever had those intuitive feelings that you get in your gut when you know that something's wrong on the other end of whatever interaction with a person you may have? The intuitive and subliminal thoughts that you feel I have been having my whole life when I get into situation when I have talked to females that were not of the same eclectic nature or sound mental process as me. I have always had this gift of sight to know when something is wrong in the least bit of ways; I have had premonitions for years and I could be sitting at home doing nothing and have a vision of something so horribly wrong happening with whomever I am talking to. I have had this one occasion where I would pick and choose different songs of the genres of underground hip-hop, rock, etc and the subject matter of the songs would bring me to this intuitive gut feeling like I was the protagonist in the song even when things seemed to be going great in the interaction with the female.

I have "The F-Word" by Cannibal Ox placed on this page for the reason of I would hear it months ago and get the feeling that something was totally wrong with the situation while I was dating this girl. The lyrics convey how at first they were friends and how they both liked each other, but she was in a love triangle and eventually cut the protagonist of the song out of the picture by just wanting to be friends again. Months before even when I thought that things were going "well" with this girl, I would hear "The F-Word" and get this feeling that the guy in the song was me.

I never have had a song that embodied the exact and complete way I felt about a situation in my life like "The F-Word" by Cannibal Ox did at the present time. Imagine listening to the lyrics "This is more than just a song/So when he's treatin' you wrong/I'm more than just a shoulder to cry on" months before things go sour.

This song definitely should have been my warning sign months ago to realize that I was the dude in the song getting fucked over in the end.

Hit the "Play" button on the player to "The F-Word" by Cannibal Ox to see what prophetic feelings I felt months before even things had gotten wrongly out of hand with my "friend."

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