Tuesday, May 25, 2010

...and it's draining....

I woke up this morning and still had the remaining signs of stress and hurt from last night, but rather than loathing around in sadness I decided to hit the gym. I have noticed that every time that I train or work out, whatever is going on with me evaporates from my mind and body. Sometimes, you can truly think you are doing your best to better the communication levels with someone, then you realize that some people will never change their views. I usually am so belligerent and so uncaring of others' ideas, truths or opinions, but at this point in my life, there is no need for beating around the bush. There is no need for me to apologize to someone when in the first place; I was not wrong.

At the end of the day, you will do what you want to do, and there is nothing I can do about that. I can only hope that one day you will realize that I chose to change the darkest element of me, my belligerence to try and better this situation. But, in return, I got nothing but negative differences between me and your others in the past and was completely insulted. Maybe, my friend, Keisha was right; maybe you do need some alone time. But, I do thank you for bringing me back to my senses; I thank you for bringing me back to the one thing that releases all of my pain, anguish, and stress, my writing. For so long I have neglected my gift; I am back with you, old friend. I am back to writing. Thank you for reminding me of this.


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