Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Let's talk about the things that have not changed since the last post I wrote on Sunday. I am going to bed extremely late and waking up late as well. I feel a bit disquieted and unhappy about my situation in life right now. The feeling of something stressing you out to the points of transient insanity is not the greatest feeling especially when there's nothing you can do about the stress causing factor 3,000 miles away from home. I need to find some means to relieve the stress, so that maybe tonight I will actually be able to receive a sufficient amount of sleep. I wake up after 8-10 hours of sleep and still feel like the tiresome slack that lied awake restless in his bed with his mind racing at 100 thoughts per minute. I know that getting my ass back into the gym would be a great way to relieve this stress. For some reason, sweating in excessive amounts during a strenuous workout always seems to keep my mind and body at ease. Yes...a hard workout in the gym is exactly what I need right now, so off I go.

1 comment:

my left wisdom is smarting said...

yeah, working out makes you feel a ton better. not only does it melt away the worries, you are satisfying atleast one goal, the way I see it. I hope you feel better.