Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Nine Lives Effect

"Another mannequin when all I wanted was a friend."

A line from a song I wrote earlier this year. I like to say sometimes that we are all like cats; we have nine lives as well. Some say that it's more like a new chapter in their lives when they turn the page of one situation or phase in their life and move onto the next. But, as for me I like to consider it like a metamorphosis. It's like my analogy about being cat-like, every hardship in my life was made me stronger. I have grown to have a greater perspective on the world at large (I really like that saying, "World at large"). Every soap opera-esque episode that I have encountered in my life has made me that much stronger as a human being. Going through the hardships of my life felt like I have shed off layers of skin as serpents do. Parts of me die with every chapter in my life. I grow stronger in a positive aspect, but also, I grow darker.

From learning or even realizing that you aren't the "muse" to someone to realizing that you were a part of some one's dramatic and brutal soap opera are some of the things that have caused me to die more than once. Therefore, my friends, the feline species and I have a lot in common. We both would rather be alone; we both die more than once to blossom up and live once more.

P.S. Old habits do die hard; excuse me for my resentment, S.T.

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kameelah said...
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